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White all-caps letters that say “PRACTICE RISING”

Helping entrepreneurs and executives lead with purpose and fulfillment from the inside-out.

A green plant, brown leather container, white candle, and black glasses sit on a wooden surface.

Guiding Principles

  • Career & Life are intertwined.

  • You are always rising.

  • Ease is transformative.

  • Allow your greatness to rise.

  • Don’t swim alone.




Lead with confidence while living a fulfilling life.

You’re tired of feeling burnt out. You’re overloaded with the details and logistics of your job, and your personal relationships are suffering. Many leaders feel as though they have to choose between a fulfilling career and a fulfilling home life. Rising Practice exists to help you have both.


Elevate your life from the inside out.

Creating a balanced life starts with knowing yourself. Rising Practice provides proven methods and tools to help you discover your natural strengths and abilities so that you can stop the cycle of burnout. I’ll help you focus on work that makes a positive impact, aligns with who you are, and leaves you with energy and inspiration to share with your loved ones when you’re not at work.


Hi, I’m Jessica.

I’m here to help you maximize your potential and impact the greater good. As a licensed therapist turned coach, my approach to coaching is grounded in my expertise with relationships, years of experience learning about the inner workings of the mind and (most emphatically) my personal experience trying to juggle it all.

I’ll help you cut to the heart of the matter and shine a light on the default dynamics that cause self-doubt and burnout, while keeping in view the life you desire. I'll help you observe patterns and rewire your brain for optimal living and leading.

I’m not a coach who has the path lined out for you; rather, I’m an intuitive guide and creative navigator who joins you in the dance of what's possible, while interweaving dynamic action steps to get to where you are meant to be.

White all-caps text that says, “THE LATEST”