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for Entrepreneurs & Corporate Executives

Two women sit, facing each other. One woman writes on an iPad.

Get out of your head and into your flow.

Private Leadership Coaching is best suited for leaders who feel stuck in indecision or over-thinking. If you’re navigating a big pivot or transition, but feel bogged down by perfectionism, Leadership Coaching will help you tap into your strengths, clear the clutter, and create laser focus so that you can take quick and essential action to see your vision come to life.

Black and white picture of Jessica Pass Haskell, sitting on a chair, smiling at the camera. Vertical text along the left side reads, “One-on-One Coaching”. Large all-caps letters below the image read, “HOW IT WORKS”

step one

Fill out my intake form and book a discovery call at the button below. On this call, we’ll talk about where you feel stuck, and if I’m the coach for you.


Step Two

After our discovery call, I’ll get to work crafting a questionnaire and resource guide to kick-off our work together. This part of the process is strategically designed to get you out-of-the-box. Be the real deal, without the show.


Step Three

It’s go time.



  • Individually curated prep-work to help you clarify and reflect before coaching begins.

  • 12 75-minute coaching sessions over 6 months aimed at aligning your vision, mission and goals to accelerate your growth and impact.

  • Private Slack channel for between session questions, resources and meeting notes.

  • Access to my personal network of professionals who are the best at what they do (website development, photographers, copy writers, accountants and more).

  • Evidenced-Based Assessments: Strengths-Finder 2.0 and The EQ 2.0. Self-discovery helps clear out what’s not working and helps re-define what will.

Jessica Pass Haskell wears a brown leather coat and smiles while looking to the side.

Get back into your flow

Brown all-caps letters that say, “FAQ”

+ What are the benefits of hiring an executive coach?

Hiring a coach means a fresh perspective and an objective perspective about how to reach your goals without reinventing the wheel. You get to spend more time in what you love, rather than over-analyzing or resorting to self-doubt.

Over the course of 6 months you will gain a fresh perspective and align your passion with your service, experience increased momentum where you feel stuck, discover hidden blindspots and what to do with them.

Plus, you’ll gain an objective space to try out ideas so that you see progress faster. With built in accountability, I’ll help you work efficiently and effectively so that work/life balance starts to come naturally.

+ I have a business partner, can we book this service together?

Yes, absolutely. With my background in family therapy, I can help you both work through any current dynamics that are interfering with your business relationship and keep you focused on your mutual goals. Consider that you’re only as good as your communication is and a few tweaks, or objective feedback about what is getting in the way is paramount to your success.

+ How do I know if I need executive coaching?

First of all, it is my belief that we can all benefit from learning to look objectively at ourselves, our businesses and the vision ahead. Second, being a leader means you are at times, on your own. It can be lonely at the top and it doesn’t have to be. If you’re on a mission to expand, build something bigger or lead a team to accomplish a big goal, you need someone in your corner.

+ What is Strengths Finder 2.0 and why do you use it?

Strengths Finder 2.0 is an evidence based assessment tool developed by Gallup, to identify your top strengths and give you a comprehensive analysis of where to maximize your potential.

I’ve used Stengths Finder 2.0 for over a decade now and it is by far, one of the best tools out there that focus on what you are naturally good at. There is no better tool out there to help you develop a deeper understanding of your natural talents and enhance your potential across the board.

+ What is the EQ-i 2.0, and why do you use it?

The EQi 2.0 is the leading assessment tool for emotional and social intelligence. It helps give you a comprehensive look at your competencies and growth areas so you can communicate with better clarity, make better decisions, increase your capacity to handle stress and improve your personal and work relationships.

I personally love the EQ-i 2.0 because it is a clear and easy way to get a birds eye view of the two most influential aspects of your success as a leader. Backed by extensive research and full of insights, this assessment is a great initial step to help know where to focus first and get the most out of your coaching experience.

+ What can I expect from the overall coaching process, from start to finish?

From the very beginning, your engagement and willingness to do the work will be the biggest factor that determines what you get out of it. I’ll serve as a guide, asking you the right questions, to help unlock the answers you already possess. As an objective observer, I’ll listen with your goals in mind, as well as, my years of expertise helping people just like you, get past stuck points, make sense of past issues in order to rewire your mind for greatness. We’ll dig deep with each meeting and I’ll give you the tools to work on between sessions, all you have to do is commit. This program isn’t necessarily a step-by-step guide, nor is it a one-size fits all. Each client is completely different and this is where my strengths shine.