How to get your first 5 clients in private practice

Do you know where your next client is coming from?

Of course, there is Psychology Today and emailing your past clients to inform them you are opening your private practice.

But doing all of that won’t be as effective if you don’t do one thing first. Why?

If you don’t know your goal as a private practice and who you want to help, you are going to be casting a wide and desperate net to try to appeal to anyone and anything.

If you are trying to be for everyone, have services and offerings for the whole world, your message will fall flat.

If you aren’t for someone, you are for no one.

Before you can take action—put your cards here, go and tell those people over there—you have to be clear about who you want to serve.

I can tell you from experience, it is possible to have a whole week full of the clients you want to work with—your dream client.

But before that is possible, you’ve got to get clear on who your person is, the person you can help the most with your skills, personality, and training.

Before you start sprinkling around information in desperate hope you get a client, get clear on who you want that first client to be.

Jessica Haskell