How to Have a Perfect, Thriving Private Practice

I’d like to tell you that once you create your website, have the right compliance software, launch your offer, and land your first client that you can rest easy. But, in the world of business, that is not the case.

Business is an art, a practice. It is the business of problem solving, and let me tell you, the problems are always new and ever-changing. Once you reach one level, you get a whole new set of problems. Cool, right? Business is doing all of those things—preparing, planning, launching—and then re-centering and doing it again.

A Rising Practice is never done—it is a practice.

Like yoga or meditation, there is always more growth; there is always a new level to reach. It is a practice, not perfection.

But the good news? There is a way to make your business perfect for you!

When you create your business, think about why you want to work for yourself. While perfection isn’t the end goal, it is key to define what is your end goal. Do you want a private practice because you want to have more flexibility? Do you want to steer the direction of your life and work? Do you want to be able to serve people more effectively, aligned with your own methodology? Maybe you never want to go into the office ever again?

We all have different reasons as to why we pursue working for ourselves. So before you sign the papers and set up the structures, it is key to know your why—why you want to always have a million problems to solve, those pesky problems nipping at your ankles.

When you know your why—why you want to support yourself and set up your private practice—you will then know why you want to set off into the imperfect jungle of owning your own business. When you know why, the million problems and imperfection are tiny in the grand scheme of your goals and how you serve people.

Jessica Haskell