You don't have to build your private practice on your own: How to outsource your dream team

I see you, you powerful and talented human.

You’re good at a lot of things, and you're multidimensional in your passions.

That’s why you are opening your own business. It feels like a natural way to incorporate all of your skills and passions—everything that makes you thrive as a human being.

But here’s the hard truth.

As you start to grow as a human and business, you can’t do it all.

The reason you got into the business—to do it all—isn't going to be what takes you to the next level.

Trying to do it all will keep you stuck. You’ll keep spinning your gears, completing only the bare minimum to keep your business afloat each day.

But it doesn't have to be like that.

Knowing what your areas of genius are—the tasks you’re good at and enjoy—and outsourcing everything else can be the reinvigoration your business needs.

Your area of genius are tasks that you love doing. You are good at them and they are what you look forward to everyday. If nothing comes to mind, think about the tasks you typically tackle first. What do you gravitate toward most?

These are your tasks of genius. They are the ones you actually save time by doing. They make you feel good and confident, and they start your day off strong.

The other areas of tasks, the ones you do well but don’t like, or tasks that you flat out don’t like doing, you outsource these. While you start determining how to outsource these tasks, start taking notes about what you do to complete these tasks each day. As you accumulate notes and documentation, you are also accumulating a how-to guide for someone else to do the things you despise.

Outsourcing can make or break your business.

Learn how to outsource well in the Rising Practice mentorship.

Jessica Haskell