You Have What You Need


The number one thing I hear from therapists who are contemplating the idea of starting a private practice is, “I don’t think I’m ready because I don’t have . . .” - Fill in the blank with a space to meet clients, a LLC, a DBA, a business phone number or a website. These things all may be helpful in establishing your business but they do not have to be finalized and perfect for you to get started.

Most of the time it’s more about the fear of the unknown that starts the path of resistance. It’s a big risk and it’s not monumental. It’s an important decision to be thoughtful about, and it’s way easier than you think.

My work with clinicians who are in this predicament is to hear the fears, understand the drive to work independently and ask the right questions to unlock what’s really in the way. Then, the easy part is sharing resources, making suggestions for options, informing about strategy and simply being their cheerleader to just get started.

If you’re dreaming of creating more freedom in your schedule, working in the way you want to work and working less than you ever have before to make the same money, Rising Practice is designed to meet you where you are with the intention to help you see what stands in your way so you can get out of the dream and into what is possible for you—your life and your work.