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Image shows two women sitting in chairs, facing each other.

Practice Accelerator

Group Coaching for
Private Practice Therapists

Three women sit in chairs. Image focuses on their crossed legs.

You don’t have to do this alone.

You’ve managed to get your practice off the ground, but you’re constantly exhausted. You feel doubtful, lonely, and out of balance. Most of all, you’re tired of wondering, “Am I cut out for this?”



Turn your practice into a source of

financial stability, positive impact, and personal fulfillment.

With the help of a coach who’s been there and a group of like-minded, modern therapists who understand the unique struggles you face on a daily basis, you can create a thriving practice.

Unlike other group coaching programs, we’re not here to be perfect. We’re here to be real and bring our whole, human selves to our work. We are rising above our doubts, insecurities, and egos to create truly transformative and successful practices.


Step one

Fill out my intake form and book a discovery call at the button below. On this call, we’ll talk about where you feel stuck in your practice, and make a plan for moving forward.

Step two

Enroll and receive pre-work designed to ignite your curiosity and prepare you to get the most out of our calls. Your answers here will help me get to know you, and tailor content to meet you where you are and offer a pathway for where you’re going.

Step Three

We’ll get to work! In our virtual or in-person sessions, we’ll work through your options and I’ll help you create intentional action that a aligns with your work and you life.



  • Upon enrollment you’ll receive detailed pre-work to kick-start the process before group coaching calls begins.

  • 12 - Bi-monthly 90-minute virtual sessions with therapists across the US.

  • Private Slack group with other program participants for feedback, support and additional resources.

  • Website audit and strategy session for higher conversion rates.

  • Exclusive resources proven to maximize your results and your time.

Yellow velvet chair with white pillow.
Jessica Pass Haskell looks up and off into the distance, surrounded by an outdoor environment.

Accelerate your private practice growth without burning out in the process.



Brown all-caps letters that say, “FAQ”

+ When and where do the meetings take place?

90-minute group coaching sessions take place virtually (via Zoom) twice per month. When you join the group, I’ll give you a calendar of meeting dates.

+ What if I sign up and I am unable to complete my 6-month commitment?

Life happens and I’m interested in you getting what you need to be where you want to be. If you find that the group is not serving you in the way you imagined or if something big pops up that interferes, I’m available to help strategize a solution that works both ways.

+ What is a typical meet-up like?

My style is a mix of feeling out what is needed from the group members and educating about specific topics that typically come up in business for therapists. We’ll have time to share wins, challenges and ask for feedback, plus, you’ll leave with a specific focus to address before the next meeting. Come as you are and leave inspired!