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Business Coaching

for Private Practice Therapists


Get out of your head and into your flow.

Business Coaching is best suited for private practice owners who need to get unstuck quickly. If you’re caught in “analysis paralysis,” and can’t decide what to do next, the Rising Practice Private Program will help you tap into the life-force of your business, clear the clutter and create laser focus so that you can take quick and essential action to see your vision come to life.

Photo of two people’s feet, facing each other; the left person wears grey sneakers, the right person wears yellow flats.
Jessica Pass Haskell wears a blue floral print shirt and smiles at the camera.

Transforming lives isn’t for the faint at heart and let’s be honest, it’s mentally and emotionally exhausting when we’re not available for the work that our clients bring in the room.

Investing in your business growth means investing in your personal success and fulfillment, so that you are able to be fully present in the room with the people you serve.

Brown all-caps letters that spell, “HOW IT WORKS”

Step one

Fill out my intake form and book a discovery call at the button below. On this call, we’ll talk about where you feel stuck in your practice, and make a plan for moving forward.


Step two

I’ll send you a detailed questionnaire to fill out. Your answers here will help me get to know you, and they’ll help you get back in touch with your mission and values.


Step Three

We’ll get to work! In our virtual or in-person sessions, we’ll work through your options and I’ll help you take action that aligns with your life goals and personality.



  • Initial detailed questionnaire to help you clarify and reflect before coaching begins.

  • 12, 90-minute coaching sessions (in-person in Houston, TX, or virtual) over 6 months.

  • Access to a private portal for between session questions, resources and sharing ideas.

  • Website analysis that is guaranteed to convert.

  • Access to my personal network of professionals who are the best at what they do (website development, photographers, copy writers, accountants and more).

  • Professionally written bio for your advertising site or website.

Jessica Pass Haskell sits on wooden steps in an outdoor environment and smiles at the camera.

Get back into your flow

Brown all-caps letters that say, “FAQ”

+ What are the benefits of hiring a coach to grow my practice?

Hiring a coach means a fresh perspective on your pain points in your business and an objective perspective about how to reach your goals without reinventing the wheel. You get to spend more time in what you love, rather than over-analyzing or resorting to self-doubt and indecision.

Over the course of 6 months you will gain a fresh perspective and align your passion with your service, experience increased momentum where you feel stuck, discover hidden mental blocks and what to do with them. Plus, you’ll gain an objective space to try-out ideas so that you see progress faster. With built in accountability, I’ll help you work "on" your business instead of just in "it," so that you’re able to seamlessly transition from your life to your work and vice versa.

+ How long are the calls?

60 - 90 minutes.

+ What do I need to do to prepare so that I get the most out of my investment?

At the start of our work together, you’ll receive a detailed questionnaire designed to help me best understand where you are, what your goals are and what you see as the biggest hurdles. From there, we’ll collaborate on next steps to align your practice with your vision and goals.

+ I haven't started a private practice yet, is coaching still beneficial?

Absolutely! This is honestly the best time to invest in your business. Imagine the possibility if you have answers to common challenges and have a clear roadmap from the beginning? I know its hard to imagine spending money if you aren't even making money in your business yet, however, finding the right coach early on can catapult your business past typical early start-up frustrations and energy drain of researching hours on end. Depending on individual differences, personality and means, I recommend at least 3 sessions to get a solid 'how-to' plan that will likely save you 3x the investment and get you into actionable steps that you actually feel the benefit of and see the pay-off almost immediately.